MUNER SUMMER SCHOOL – The Italian Motor Valley Experience


L’ High School Advanced Engineering Summer Program di MUNER offre la straordinaria opportunità di immergersi nel mondo della Valle dei Motori e esplorare il settore dell’ automotive attraverso lezioni, laboratori, visite e attività culturali proprio basate su questa eccellenza della nostra regione.

This program promoted by MUNER (Motorvehicle University of Emilia Romagna) is an immersive university experience, focused on exploring worldwide leaders in the automotive industry. During this summer program, high school students will get the chance to understand the basics of high performance vehicles, be immersed in engineering lectures held by university professors and discover cultural traits of the Motor Valley Region, Emilia Romagna. Lamborghini, Dallara, Ducati, Ferrari and Maserati are only some of the top brands that are involved in this extraordinary project.

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